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Teaching Availability
Availability may be submitted for the following semesters during the following dates each year:
Spring & summer surveys may be submitted between August 15 and September 30
Fall & winter surveys may be submitted between January 15 and February 15
Please select a term from the available terms:
Terms prefixed with an asterisk(*) are closed and available for review only.
Contact Information
First Name: {first_name}
Last Name: {last_name}
Telephone: (Phone number must be entered as 10-digits with no special characters. Numbers only)
BCC E-mail: Upon completion of this form a confirmation will be sent to your BCC E-mail address.
Alternate E-mail: You may enter an optional personal email to also receive a copy of your confirmation.
Please complete the following form by December 15, 2015.
This survey ended on December 15, 2015. Information below is for review only and cannot be changed.
Are you interested in teaching in {effective_term}? (If left blank or you answer "NO," it is assumed you will not teach in {effective_term}.)
Please indicate the number of sections you would like to teach. (Numbers only)
If you would like a combination of Lecture/Lab, indicate your preference in the "Comments" section.
Please indicate your general availability from the time the first class begins to the time the last class ends(respond for both day and evening classes):
Start Time
End Time
Click here to add another row.
*You can leave start time and end time as 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM if you are available anytime.
List in priority order those course(s) in your work area(s) that you are interested in teaching and would accept.
*You may reference the course description section of the academic catalog. These descriptions indicate the semester in which courses are typically offered.
Please be sure to select both a course designation and a course number from the drop-down menus below.
Priority 1
Click here to add another row.
Please prioritize the location(s) to which you would like to be assigned and indicate which days you will be available at each location:
Priority 1
Click here to add another row.
Your survey has been successfully saved.
You can close this window if you're finished or Click Here to enter availability for another term.
You should receive an email shortly confirming the information you've entered. If you do not receive an email confirmation within an hour please check your SPAM folder and if you still do not have the email contact